LongEval 2025 announcements !

18 November 2025: Registration opens -- here
February 2025: Training data release -- coming soon !
April 2025: Test data release

LongEval Lab

Until 2024, the information retrieval tasks of LongEval did focus only on Web documents retrieval. In 2025, we enlarge the scope of LongEval as we want to study the potential differences, if any, between two retrieval contexts. The Web retrieval context is a classical Web case, in which very short queries are asked and the very top documents are considered. The scientific search contains potentially longer queries, and users are looking deeper in the result lists.

Both LongEval tasks use a sequence of datasets collected at different points in time. The (time) distances between two datasets are called “lags.” The IR systems that participants design are evaluated on the different lags, computing the differences in evaluation metrics between lags.

The CLEF 2025 LongEval Lab encourages participants to develop temporal information retrieval systems that survive through dynamic temporal text changes, introducing time as a new dimension for ranking models performance.

Previous year

Check our 2024 and 2023 websits to find information about previous years.


LongEval organizers: longeval-ir-task@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr

Join our slack channel for any question.